English: Flag of Israel. Shows a Magen David (“Shield of David”) between two stripes. The Shield of David is a traditional Jewish symbol. The stripes symbolize a Jewish prayer shawl (tallit).
The color of the Magen David and the stripes of the Israeli flag is not precisely specified by the above legislation. The color depicted in the current version of the image is typical of flags used in Israel today, although individual flags can and do vary.
The flag legislation officially specifies dimensions of 220 cm × 160 cm. However, the sizes of actual flags vary (although the aspect ratio is usually retained).
This work or image is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired in Israel (details). According to Israel's copyright statute from 2007 (translation), a work is released to the public domain on 1 January of the 71st year after the author's death (paragraph 38 of the 2007 statute) with the following exceptions:
A photograph taken on 24 May 2008 or earlier — the old British Mandate act applies, i.e. on 1 January of the 51st year after the creation of the photograph (paragraph 78(i) of the 2007 statute, and paragraph 21 of the old British Mandate act).
If the copyrights are owned by the State, not acquired from a private person, and there is no special agreement between the State and the author — on 1 January of the 51st year after the creation of the work (paragraphs 36 and 42 in the 2007 statute).
V nekaterih državah trajajo avtorske pravice več kot 70 let: v Mehiki trajajo 100 let, na Jamajki 95 let, v Kolumbiji 80 let, v Gvatemali in na Samoi trajajo 75 let. Avtorske pravice se lahko podaljšajo na delih Francozov, ki so umrli za Francijo v drugi svetovni vojni (več o tem), Ruse, ki so služili na vzhodni fronti druge svetovne vojne (v Rusiji poznani kot velika domoljubna vojna) in posmrtno za rehabilitirane Ruse (več o tem).
Slika prikazuje zastavo, grb, pečat ali drugo uradno insignijo. Uporaba tovrstnih simbolov je v številnih državah omejena. Te omejitve niso odvisne od statusa avtorskih pravic.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Datoteka ne more biti predmet avtorskih pravic in je v javni domeni, saj v celoti sestoji iz podatkov, ki so skupna lastnina, in ne vsebuje izvirnega avtorstva.
Slika prikazuje zastavo, grb, pečat ali drugo uradno insignijo. Uporaba tovrstnih simbolov je v številnih državah omejena. Te omejitve niso odvisne od statusa avtorskih pravic.
<svgxmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"width="1100"height="800"><pathd="M 0,0 H 1100 V 800 H 0 Z"fill="#fff"/><pathd="M 0,75 H 1100 V 200 H 0 Z"fill="#0038b8"/><pathd="M 0,600 H 1100 V 725 H 0 Z"fill="#0038b8"/><pathd="M 423.81566,472.85253 H 676.18435 L 550.00001,254.29492 Z m 126.18435,72.85255 126.1843,-218.55765 H 423.81566 Z"fill="none"stroke="#0038b8"stroke-width="27.5"/></svg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"><svgxmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"version="1.1"xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"width="660"height="480"viewBox="0 0 220 160"><desc>FlagofIsrael</desc><defs><!-- Specs are taken from "The Provisional Council of State Proclamation of the Flag of the State of Israel," 25 Tishrei 5709 (28 October 1948) For Magen David, the "Israel Science and Technology Homepage" at http://www.science.co.il/israel/Flag.php specifies each side as 60 cm. Outer radius is then 30 / cos(30) = 20 * sqrt(3) For equilateral triangles, middle radius = outer radius - width: 20 * sqrt(3) - 5.5 Coordinates for upward-pointing triangle relative to center are then: ( 0,-(20*sqrt(3) - 5.5) ) (-(20*sqrt(3) - 5.5) * cos(30), (20*sqrt(3) - 5.5) * sin(30)) ( (20*sqrt(3) - 5.5) * cos(30), (20*sqrt(3) - 5.5) * sin(30)) --><polygonid="triangle"points="0,-29.1410161513775421 -25.2368602791855814, 14.5705080756887710 25.2368602791855814, 14.5705080756887710"stroke="#0038b8"stroke-width="5.5"fill-opacity="0"/></defs><!-- "The flag is 220 cm long and 160 cm wide. The background is white" --><rectwidth="220"height="160"fill="white"/><!-- "...two stripes of dark sky-blue, 25 cm broad, over the whole length of the flag, at a distance of 15 cm from the top and from the bottom..." Legislation does not specify exact shade of blue; "#0038b8" is typical of flags used in Israel --><rectwidth="220"height="25"fill="#0038b8"y="15"/><rectwidth="220"height="25"fill="#0038b8"y="120"/><usexlink:href="#triangle"transform="translate(110,80)"/><usexlink:href="#triangle"transform="translate(110,80) rotate(180)"/></svg>
ഇസ്രായേൽ പതാക . മേഗൻ ഡേവിഡ് ("ദാവീദിന്റെ പരിച") എന്ന ചിഹ്നം ആണ് രണ്ട് നില വരകൾക്കും ഇടയിൽ. നീല വരകൾ യഹൂദ - പ്രാർത്ഥനാ ഷാൾ (ടോളിറ്റ് ) -നെ സൂചിപ്പിക്കുന്നു.
Quốc kỳ Israel
Bandila ng Israel
Flaga Państwa Izrael
Прапор Ізраїлю
پرچم اسرائیل
इजरायलको झण्डा
이스라엘 국기
Isroil bayrogʻi. Ikki chiziq oʻrtasida Magen David („Dovud qalqoni“) koʻrsatilgan. Dovud qalqoni anʼanaviy yahudiy ramzidir.Chiziqlar yana Isroilning bosqinchilik rejasi:Nil va Furot daryosi orasidagi hududlarni anglatadi
Increased nominal dimensions. Simplified internal structure for the "Star of David" (reduced number of its elemnts). Optimized svg code with code cleanup and reduction. No other changes.
Fixed a minor bug that led to rendering problems in browsers with less robust SVG support; adjusted the color to be closer to the deeper blue used in Israeli flags; see discussion page for more info.
Adjusted color to match flags seen in Israel more closely (previous version was still too pale/diluted); minor changes to syntax; upped image size to VGA height (so people can download full-size PNG)
New version written from scratch, based directly on flag legislation; length of sides now exact; adjusted color of Magen David (previous color was more pale/diluted than that of most flags in Israel)
Datoteka vsebuje še druge podatke, ki jih je verjetno dodal za njeno ustvaritev oziroma digitalizacijo uporabljeni fotografski aparat ali optični bralnik. Če je bila datoteka pozneje spremenjena, podatki sprememb morda ne izražajo popolnoma.